There are both advantages and disadvantages in distance learning, and as stated earlier, Distance Learning is not for everyone. Here are a few of the advantages in taking a distance learning course, and also a few disadvantages in distance learning. Advantages in Distance Learning Flexibility in schedule Can access class when convenient for you Do not have to leave confines of home No everyday trips to campus Save travel time, gas, babysitting fees For study purposes can repeat lessons as often as needed Work independently (telecourses, some online) Disadvantages in taking a Distance Learning Course Easy to procrastinate No face-to-face interaction/socialization No immediate response to questions Will spend more time studying_ _In a distance learning class be prepared to study on a weekly basis at least two hours for every credit hour of class taken. For instance, if a class is 3 credit hours, weekly study time should be no less than six hours per week for the class.
This year's winter vacation is an extraordinary one. Due to the novel coronavirus, the school hours are delayed. In order to ensure the normal progress of teaching, the school launched the network course. Today is the fourth day of online teaching. The students have gradually adapted to this new teaching method, and have not slackened their study due to the supervision of the teacher.
They actively answer the teacher's questions in class, listen carefully, and finish their homework on time after class. The teachers who become the "anchor" take turns to complete the teaching of various subjects. They are very active in class, attentive in courseware preparation and in place in knowledge summary.
I feel that this online teaching method can not only protect the safety of students and teachers, but also further stimulate students' interest in learning, so as to improve the efficiency of learning.
There are many advantages and disadvantages to distance learning, and here we try to take a balanced look at both sides. Working through these points may help you to decide if distance learning is the right option for you.
One of the advantages of distance learning is the flexibility to study when you have time available - it can fit around work and family commitments. This is the biggest plus to this type of learning. You can create a study plan around your current schedule. The class is available to you when ever you are available to participate!
Another advantage is the ability to work at your own pace. This helps people who may need a little extra time understanding the subject that is being studied, as well as those who find themselves racing ahead. There is also scope to go back and repeat lessons you are having trouble with. Most students find they go quickly through some bits and more slowly through other bits.
The main disadvantage of distance learning is that it requires a lot of self discipline. You can avoid school for the week and fall way behind. This makes learning even harder when trying to get caught up with the class. You have to make a set plan and stick to it. This is sometimes very hard for people who like to put things off.
Another disadvantage in some cases is that you are not always able to talk to a teacher if you need help. This can be very frustrating if you are not able to understand the material being studied. When choosing a distance learning course make sure it offers tutorial support that suits your needs. Some courses offer very little direct tutor contact and it can be frustrating if you can only get through to an adviser in a call centre. Other providers offer extensive, direct tutor contact as and when you need it. A final disadvantage is that you lose out on some of the best bits of classroom-based learning - no face to face demonstrations (which can be important in practical subjects especially) and less contact with other students.
So now that you know some of the advantages and disadvantages, you will be able to make the decision whether distance learning is right for you or not.
To learn more about home study visit Learning Curve, a fully accredited provider and one of the UK’s leading distance learning companies. They offer courses in a range of subjects, from garden design to child psychology, business writing to life coaching, and have a team of expert tutors on hand to support students throughout their studies. They have leisure courses suited to people studying for interest, as well as professional level training
Inernet has been an important part in our life.With the help of Inernet we can develop the effective of our study or job.For example ,we can learn more knowledge about the world from the Inernet.And as the youngs in 21st centery,the skill of using the Internet has been the most necessary point for us.But there are risks in it.A lot of youngners lost themselves in the data world and can not catch up with others in study.They'd like to be the best in the games instead of in hard-working.In my own point,I think Internet has more advantages than disadvantages.People should make the most use of it so that it can been useful not harmful
What is a network courses
The sum of the online courses is through the network performance of a discipline teaching content and teaching activities, is a new manifestation of courses under the conditions of the information age. It includes teaching goals, teaching strategies to organize the teaching content and the network teaching support environment. The network teaching support environment refers to software tools to support online teaching, teaching resources, as well as the implementation of the network teaching platform teaching activities. Network courses has the basic characteristics of interactivity, sharing, openness, collaboration and autonomy.
It should be noted that the teaching content includes teaching resources, network courses should normally include teaching resources, including network courses (should include at least part of the teaching resources); the network curriculum involves only the textbook itself is not ideal (or at least incomplete) . However, in the actual development process, in order to facilitate the work (such as the division of labor or the need for parallel operation) sometimes independent teaching resources, even it side by side with the network courses - called "network courses and network resource development. However, this time should pay particular attention to: This distinction is only need for development, the network course the original network resources should be included.
我的母亲作文600字(精选44篇) 在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。 那么一般作文是怎么写的呢? 以下是小编为大家收集的我的母亲作文600字,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 我的母亲作文 篇1. 我的母亲,她没有渊博的知 …
回到童年作文 1 有时我也想回到童年 我想回到童年,回到那无忧无虑,自由自在的日子,现在的学习犹如一座高山压在我稚嫩的肩上,使唤我喘不过气来。 每天从家到学校,又从学校回到家,除了学习还是学习。 父母总是对我说:“两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书。 ”这时,我就想:要是能回到童年那该多好呀! 童年的我,每天可以做自己喜 …
篇一:我拥有的真多作文600字初中. 宁辉. 我们会常常会因为我失去的东西而感到苦恼,但不妨反过来想想,自己拥有的,可能已经失去的更宝贵。 我的父亲,虽然每天打工,但还是和以前一样爱我,虽然我现在与他交流的时间没以前多了,但还是很在乎我。 爸爸时常说的一句话总会在我脑子里回想“想要什么就和我说,我能给到的我都会给。 ”虽 …
网页2024年6月16日 — 我有一个温柔的妈妈。我妈妈长着一张漂亮的脸,一双又黑又亮的眼睛。妈妈的眼睛经常会放出温柔的光芒。我妈妈是一名优秀的老师,她对学生非常好。比如在我妈妈的班上有一个学生生病了,妈妈把学生送到医院,还帮那个同学倒水,煎中药。
我最喜爱我的妈妈,因为她全年无休,照顾我们家的食、衣、住、行,她就像我们的守护神,天天守护着我们,让我们平安健康快乐长大。 我最喜爱我的妈妈,因为她不但会教我做人做事的道理,还会教我功课,他就像个“万能博士”一样,举凡功课、美劳及各种方面的疑问,只要找她,所有的问题都能迎刃而解,所以我希望将来也能像她一样。 我最喜爱我的`妈 …
妈妈的温暖作文通用15篇. 在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。 你所见过的作文是什么样的呢? 下面是小编精心整理的妈妈的温暖作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 妈妈的温暖作文1. 一双大大的眼睛,一副小眼镜,再加上脑后一个短短的马尾辫,做起 …
二、英语六级考试的具体时间 安排: 14:40考生入场,15:00下发考试材料;15:10考试正式开始,开始作答作文;15:35提示考生,继续作答,5分钟后将开始听力考试;15:40 …
我拥有,我快乐作文500字(通用30篇) 在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。 怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢? 以下是小编精心整理的我拥有,我快乐作文500字,欢迎阅读与收藏。 我拥有,我快乐作文500字 1. 很久很久以前,有一个非常富有的国王,全世界的金银珠宝他都触 …
江苏高考满分作文:《我爸的苏A00001》,这是我爸调来江苏的第三年,每天透过窗户都能看见那辆牌照为苏A00001的奥迪车到我家门口来接我爸去工作。 以下700字没 …
我最喜欢的班主任作文 篇1. 她喜欢穿裙子,文雅、端庄;她,戴着一副眼镜,但阻挡不了她温柔、慈爱的眼神;她,说话不多,却句句点在我们的心坎上。 她就是我最喜欢的班主任苏杏秋老师,当我第一次见到她,就被她温和的表情征服,喜欢上了她。 听说苏老师当班主任已经有三十多年了,隔壁班的一个同学还是她的徒孙呢! 难怪苏老师 …
我拥有我快乐作文600字 篇3. 人人都会因为形形色色的拥有而快乐,而我,却因为有一颗热爱读书的心而快乐。. 曾几何时,我迷上了读书。. 无论在清闲午后,还是在日落黄昏,翻开了手中的书卷,便如同被春雨滋润过的树苗般,不亦乐乎?. 看亲情如 …
网页2022年1月18日 — 我有一个温柔的妈妈,她的皮肤白白的,一张圆圆的脸上长着一双大大的眼睛,在不高的鼻子下面长着小巧的嘴巴,一笑就会露出一排洁白的牙齿。 记得有一次,我放学的时候,下了很大的雨,妈妈来接我,可是只带了一把伞,一开始我以为伞很大,足够两个人打,等回到家的时候,我发现妈妈的衣服湿了一半,我才知道,是妈妈把整个雨伞都让 …
在众多令人印象深刻,“中国速度”代名词中,笔者认为“中国高铁”绝对有一席之地,是“中国速度”一张亮丽的名片。 以2008年我国第一条设计时速350公里的京津城际铁路 …
我最爱的妈妈作文(通用33篇) 在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?以下是小编整理的我最爱的妈妈作文,希望对大家有所帮助。
我的妈妈作文450字 篇1. 我有一位相貌平平,总是打扮的妈妈。 但她和蔼可亲,心地善良。 说起“心地善良”,我给大家讲一个妈妈“拾金不昧”的故事吧。 有一次回姥姥家,我和妈妈与一位阿姨合伙打了一辆出租车。 那位阿姨长得非常漂亮,打扮入时,她不停地用她那部漂亮的“苹果”手机打电话。 我目不转睛地盯着阿姨那部 …
我和我的班主任作文 篇1. 我的班主任是一天中陪伴我们寄宿生时间最长的人,不是亲人,却胜似亲人。. 她是在我将来的的人生里,会要常常想起的人。. 我总想,在若干年后我们再遇见时,自己一定还会冲上去抱抱她吧。. “我和我的班主任”,倒不如 ...
我拥有一双明亮的双眸,我可以欣赏春的婀娜多姿,夏的的热情豪放,秋的悲壮凄美,冬的温馨淡雅;我可以远望高空那颗璀璨的明星,雨过天晴那道亮的彩虹,我也可以欣赏朝阳升起时的磅礴气势与夕阳落下的壮观景象,在这大自然里,我可以看到那 ...
江苏满分作文南京一中张晓明《爸爸的苏A00001 》 只看楼主 收藏 回复 处女座提摸队长 高大富帅 9 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端 1楼 2017-06-08 14:50 回复 微风撩Ren 高大富帅 9 …
注重考查考生对某一问题或某一现象的思考和感悟,要求的作文体裁,主要以论说文为主,有时不限制文体。. 但一般建议考生写论说文。. 考试时间安排 1.网上报名:2022年1月24日起 2.笔试时间:2022年3月12日 3.成绩公布:2022年4月15日 4.面试时间:2022年5月14日、5 ...
唉!不说了,这就是我可爱又调皮的弟弟,让人又爱又气!我的弟弟作文400字 篇二 我的弟弟今年七岁叫星星。有着一双水汪汪的大眼睛,很可爱,是我们家的开心果。在某一天的晚上,我们一家坐在沙发上看电视。突然弟弟问我:“孙悟空好吗?
我和妈妈的温暖时刻作文(精选25篇) 在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。 你写作文时总是无从下笔? 下面是小编为大家收集的我和妈妈的温暖时刻作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 我和妈妈的温暖时刻作文 篇1. 温暖无处不在,一个微笑,一个眼神,一句 …
我最喜爱的班主任作文(精选10篇). 在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。. 那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?. 以下是小编为大家整理的我最喜爱的班主任作文(精选10篇 ...
我最喜爱的班主任作文 篇1. 我们的班主任她姓黄,黄老师是个有点憨厚,有点唠叨,却很负责的老师。 在初一有一次校运会,经过千叮咛万嘱咐后,她终于放心将同学带进入了运动场。 音乐响起,老师带领学生进了运动场。 刚开始一切顺利,可是偏偏走到主席台前,我们没按方队走偏了,被老师训了一顿,唉! 没办法! 我们班的学生被老 …
到了第二天后,妈妈就带我去大超家,由于不知道大超家在哪里,把妈妈弄得团团转,但是热心的小朋友帮我和妈妈找到了地址,并且还给我们带到了他家,他一开门妈妈就说他了一顿,然后他的妈妈来了,大超的妈妈和大超给我们道了歉,还给我一个 ...
俞敏洪演讲观后感范文1000字模板8 篇。 工作总结之家主题阅读推荐:“俞敏洪演讲观后感”。 俞敏洪演讲观后感范文【篇1 ... [热门]奉献演讲稿模板1000 字合集 纸上得 …
我拥有我快乐作文 篇1. 世上有一种金钱换不来的东西——诚信,拥有了它,内心才可能安定,生活才可能充实。. 我曾尝过失去它的滋味,也曾尝过拥有它的喜悦,这一失一得,才让我明白:诚信不可或缺。. 阳光和熙,均匀的洒在了大地上,给万物带来 ...
妈妈给了我多少的温暖;妈妈给了我多少的关怀;妈妈为我流了多少汗水,我要用优导的成绩来报答妈妈。 俗话说昨好“人间自有真情在。 ”同学们,我们的父母一边承担生活的重任,一边无微不至地关爱着我们,是多么辛苦啊!
我的妈妈作文 篇1. 一路有你。 你是我清晨的地一缕阳光,温暖我的心房;你是我朦胧的第一颗露珠,滋润我的枯枝;你是我生命的第一眼甘泉,浇灌我的梦想…… 抚养. 当我还是嗷嗷待哺的婴儿的时候,是你,用温暖的怀抱哄我睡觉。 我知道,也记得,我睁开眼看到的第一个人是你。 所以,你的样子我永远也不会忘记。 当 …